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The Racing Life of Sarah Shreeve

Writer's picture: Jo O'NeillJo O'Neill

In May, on social media, Sarah Shreeve announced she was leaving her job in racing – an understated post for someone who’d had an amazing career spanning twenty-seven years. It was the comments following Sarah’s personal words that belied the truth…End of an era, missing you already, you’re one in a million, you deserve the best, massively missed by everyone, you’re a legend, don’t be a stranger…plus many wishes of luck, all from many of the best and most experienced people in the business. Always genial at the races, Sarah was never short of a smile, chat and her laughter infectious.

Sarah, 42, a talented rider who truly loved her horses, passed her HGV and was Second Travelling to Nicky Henderson, and has been associated with many great horses and successful seasons. She looked after 2009 Champion Hurdle winner Punjabi, which was the beginning of her successful association with the Cheltenham Festival. Under Sarah’s care, Trabolgan won the Royal SunAlliance Grade 1 Chase in ’05 and Non So won the ’06 Racing Post Plate, beating future Grand National-winner Comply Or Die.

Yet, Sarah’s career highlights went further than Cheltenham Racecourse in March. She looked after L’ami Serge, who won eight races, including the Grade 1 Tolworth Hurdle, Grande Course de Hais d’Auteuil and the Aintree Hurdle in ’18. Trabolgan also won the ’05 Hennessy Gold Cup, when Sarah was drowned by the maroon quilted coats that the grooms were given to wear leading up.

Other memorable days included leading up Top Notch in his Peterborough Chase and Mister Fisher, when he won Grade 2s at Haydock, Doncaster and Cheltenham in December ’20. Great affection shone through when she spoke about the heroic Caracciola who won the ’08 Cesarewitch and, in ’09, was Nicky Henderson’s first Royal Ascot winner when scoring in the Queen Alexandra Stakes. ‘I loved him – he was so versatile,’ Sarah explained, shifting through the memories. ‘He was the oldest horse to win a Listed race on the Flat and he retired at thirteen. He won really nice races over jumps too and was second in a Tote Gold Trophy.’

Sarah’s love for these horses was apparent in every snippet of our chat. Punjabi was nicknamed Punj, Trabolgan was ‘Bogie’ and Non So was just Non So. ‘He was so naughty, I had to shout at him all the time,’ chuckled Sarah. ‘He always tried to buck me off and was horrible to lead up but I still loved him.’

Fusil Raffles, shortened to Raffs, was another prolific winner Sarah looked after for the whole of his career. He won the Grade 1 Four Year Old at Punchestown in ’19 and then his pinnacle in chasing was winning the 2020 Charlie Hall Chase at Wetherby. ‘That was his big one and meant a lot.’ She explained how she took him on when he retired: ‘He’s a pain in the arse but I adore him.’ He returned home a year before Sarah and a friend took care of him. ‘We started retraining, had lessons and getting him used to new things then he cut his leg and he went on two weeks box rest.’ By now, Raffs' cut has healed and they are back hacking out and having lessons.

The people in racing will always remain dear to Sarah, nearly as much as those horses. Former head lad and Lambourn legend Corky Browne taught Sarah a lot, despite being ‘fierce in his younger days’. Plus, Head of Travelling Richard Nicholas is ‘so good at his job and also taught me so much,’ said Sarah. As testament to her dedication, Sarah was shortlisted for the 2022 McCoy Awards in the Stable Person of the Year category. Colleagues and friends became a substitute family but her own family is the reason why Sarah has returned home to the coastal town of Lowestoft in Suffolk.

Sarah isn’t straying far from horses, working as a freelance groom and pet-sitter, and has become involved in horse rescue. Fusil Raffles’ retraining will take much of her time and racing, after all those touching comments, won’t forget someone who had such a big an impact as Sarah.


Did you have any family connections to racing? None at all. My Dad and Granddad watch racing but no one’s ever been horsey or worked in racing.


How did you get into racing? I went to the British Racing School in about 1996.


Which trainers did you work for? I had four years in a smaller yard, which was Geoff Hubbard’s yard at Worlingworth, about an hour from home. Geoff passed away and the yard went to Chris Kinane, who had been assistant trainer there when it was Ferdy Murphy’s satellite yard when John Supple ran it for a while. The yard was windling down as Geoff Hubburd had passed away and they bred their own and that was all coming to an end. So, the head lad told me to improve myself and go elsewhere.

I started at Nicky Henderson’s as a groom in 2000-1 and stayed there for twenty-three years. When Johnny Worrell retired one summer, Richard took over the travelling and rang me, offering me Second Travelling. I was immediately like ‘I can’t drive a lorry! I don’t know where anywhere is!’ He answered, ‘We’ll obviously put you through your test, Sarah!’ Despite the initial uncertainty, I did the second travelling for about twelve-thirteen years.

Did you have any nicknames in racing? I was Birdie in my first yard and lots of people at Hendo’s used to call me Shreevo.


Favourite jockey: All the boys were good. Daryl Jacob, Nico de Boinville and James Bowen were brilliant.


Favourite racecourse: I’ve always liked Kempton because it was close to the yard, was really easy when we were there and we always had quite a lot of success there. Obviously, a Cheltenham winner is in a different league – the atmosphere is unreal!


Favourite racecourse canteen: Newton Abbot is just lovely.


Favourite racehorse: Awww, I’ve had so many favourites. L’ami Serge was one of my big favourites. Top Notch, Caracciola, obviously Fusilli Raffles, Trabolgan and Punjabi are all up there.


Favourite racehorse to ride out: I loved riding Top Notch every day and was lucky enough to lead him up when his lad couldn’t go.

Many memories surround Trabolgan

Photo Credit: Gettys Images


Did racing ever take you abroad? I went to Punchestown and Galway in Ireland and L’ami won in France. Punchestown was my favourite. It’s so much fun and we often ended up in Abrekebabra takeaway at the end of the night.


Best ever days in racing: Definitely when I saddled the seven winners for the Boss at the Cheltenham Festival in 2012.

It was amazing when L’ami won the French Champion Hurdle. That was a really special day.

What was the best aspect to working in racing? The people – there’s a lot of good people in racing and I met so many friends.


What was the worst aspect to working in racing? Losing a horse.


What was the best aspect to living in the Lambourn area? Everyone is close by – there’s a lot of friends round there and no one is very far away.


What was the worst aspect to living in the Lambourn area? Everyone knows everything about everybody.

Best racing celebration: It was pretty good when Sprinter Sacre the Irish Champion Chase in Punchestown. That one was a serious night from what I remember.


Please sum up your time with Nicky Henderson: I worked for the one of the best people in Nicky. I had an amazing time, had the best horses and good memories.


What made you leave racing? I wanted to come home to my family – they were too far away and my nieces, Ella and Lyla Bird and Macey and Molly Jones, were all growing up. It was time to come home.


What are your plans with Fusil Raffles? I don’t know what discipline we’re going to go down, hopefully ROR but there’s no pressure, whatever makes him happy.


Favourite meal: I love Pasta.

Favourite drink: Pink gin.

Favourite snack: Haribo sweets.

Favourite holiday destination: I’m hoping that’s going to be South Africa in October, when I’m going on safari. But, in the past, Greece has always been nice. I’ve always been to sunny places but haven’t been to many destinations.

Other hobbies/interest: Raffs takes up all of my time so I don’t have much time for much else, as well all my energy, heartache and money!

Favourite music: Chart music.

Favourite film: I love old school ones like Dirty Dancing or Coyote Ugly.

Hopes and dreams for the future: To be happy.

Sarah and Raffs after their Charlie Hall victory

Photo Credit: Michael Harris



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