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An Interview with Racing Author Andrew Reeves

Andrew ‘Andy’ Reeves has been in racing for most of his working life; the years clocking up to over fifteen years so far. He is all about looking after the racehorses in his care, including right from the start at the breeding stage. ‘I live at the yard, which is handy for me and my employer, because work starts early, so I’m also available through the night if needed.’

Andy explains that ‘Some of our mares gave birth overnight this year, so my experience in the foaling process turned out to be very useful.’ He has recently published his second book all about his racing life but with a twist. It is a great read for new racing grooms to get a glimpse into the industry but is also ideal for other types of readers.

A jovial character, Andy is at a loss when asked to pinpoint his favourite part of working in this sport. ‘I love all of it – work riding, going racing, leading up winners, everything!’ He is really dedicated, performing all stable management tasks, riding out, driving to the races and leading up.

How did you come about writing a second book?

A number of reasons really.

I've have had an enjoyable life working with horses, and by sharing my experiences in my books, hopefully this will help young horse owners (and the not so young) learn some useful hints and tips that will keep both themselves and their horses healthy and happy.

As soon as my last book was published it became clear there was so much more to add. For example, recalling some of the horse-related experiences not previously thought of that make the role enjoyable. Every day is different, you never know what you’re going to get.

Plus, all my family and friends were encouraging me to write another book. Hence, a second book seemed a natural progression.

How does the content of your second book differ to that of your first book?

My first book was more of an autobiography, whereas the second is more anecdotal around experiences working with horses.

Furthermore, as the information pages about horses in my first book had been well appreciated, I therefore wanted to share some lesser known but useful guidance. In addition, I’ve added into the mix a bit of diversity around the history of racing, and recognition of women in racing, which like in many other sports, their contribution often goes unnoticed.

What is the impact you desire your second book to have on its readers?

Firstly, I hope it’s an enjoyable and easy read. And for those who want to grow a deeper understanding, there’s guidance on respecting horses and nurturing their emotional needs. That horses have their own unique characteristics that they each can add so much to our lives.

In which ways have you marketed your books?

Marketing is done via various social media platforms, at horse related events such as races, exhibition stands, retail outlets and word of mouth. Luckily, I'm halfway through my Level 3 diploma in Racehorse Care and Management, which I’m doing through Newmarket’s British Racing School. The BRS have kindly let me sell both books there.

Andy leading up at Yarmouth, Chelmsford and Worcester

Please describe your interest in Alternative Therapies:

Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) is my area of interest. I’ve been interested in horse welfare for a number of years and more recently I have studied the art of EAT, and gained the certificate to practice it, be that formally or in the practice of supporting everyday wellbeing for the horses.

Please sum up your life working with horses:

It is daily joy and pleasure. The attachment you grow to horses is priceless; going to work every day with horses, and getting paid to do a job you love, is worth its weight in gold.

Do you have any ideas for writing more books in the future?

I’ve started my third book which is going to be about equine emotional healing of the horse, and their general well-being. No doubt there will be more experiences and stories included too.

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